Publications of Geoffrey Grimmett

The copyright of all linked material resides with the authors, unless it has been assigned to a journal or publisher.


Articles since around 1993

  1. Alice and Bob on X: reversal, coupling, renewal
    arxiv, pdf
  2. Dominic Welsh (1938–2023)
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
    arxiv, pdf
    DJAW publication list
  3. Non-self-touching paths in plane graphs
    arxiv, pdf
  4. The work of Hugo Duminil-Copin
    INSMI (CNRS) Newsletter 5 July 2022 (French tr., V. Beffara)
    arxiv, pdf
  5. Selected problems in probability theory
    In Mathematics Going Forward
    Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2313, 2023, eds J.-M. Morel, B. Teissier, pp. 603–614
    arxiv, pdf
  6. Percolation critical probabilities of matching lattice-pairs
    with Zhongyang Li
    Random Structures and Algorithms 65 (2024) 832--856
    arxiv, pdf
  7. Hyperbolic site percolation
    with Zhongyang Li
    Random Structures and Algorithms 66 (2025)
    arxiv, pdf, printed version
  8. Brownian snails with removal: epidemics in diffusing populations
    with Zhongyang Li
    Electronic Journal of Probability 27 (2022) article 78, 31 pp.
    arxiv, pdf, EJP
  9. Tom Liggett, some brief reflections
    Celebratio Mathematica, Thomas Milton Liggett (2021)
  10. Harry Kesten's work in probability theory
    Probability Theory and Related Fields 181 (2021) 17–56
    arxiv, pdf
    Published version: Editorial, HK publication list, Article text
  11. Harry Kesten (1931–2019), a personal and scientific tribute
    with Greg Lawler
    Notices of the AMS 67 (2020), 822–831
    arxiv, published pdf, pdf (1mb)
  12. The lost boarding pass, and other practical problems
    with David Stirzaker
    The Mathematical Gazette 105 (2021) 216–221
    arxiv, pdf
  13. Alignment percolation
    with Nicholas Beaton and Mark Holmes
    Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 24 (2021) article 3
    arxiv, pdf
  14. Non-coupling from the past
    with Mark Holmes
    In In and Out of Equilibrium 3. Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius
    Springer, 2021, 471–485
    arxiv, pdf
  15. Bounded entanglement entropy in the quantum Ising model
    with Tobias Osborne and Petra Scudo
    Journal of Statistical Physics 178 (2020) 281–296
    arxiv, published pdf
  16. Weighted self-avoiding walks
    with Zhongyang Li
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 52 (2020) 77--102
    arxiv, published pdf
  17. On influence and compromise in two-tier voting systems
    Mathematical Social Sciences 100 (2019) 35–45
    arxiv, pdf
  18. A 700-seat no-loss composition for the 2019 European Parliament
    with F. Pukelsheim, V. Ramírez González, W. Słomczyński, K. Życzkowski
    arxiv, pdf
  19. Degressive representation of Member States in the European Parliament 2019–2024
    with Friedrich Pukelsheim
    Representation 54 (2018) 147–158
    arxiv, pdf
  20. Self-avoiding walks and connective constants
    with Zhongyang Li
    In Sojourns in Probability Theory and Statistical Physics, III
    Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 300, 2019, pages 215–241, ed. V. Sidoravicius
    arxiv, pdf
  21. The composition of the European Parliament
    with Friedrich Pukelsheim
    In The Composition of the European Parliament
    Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs PE 583.117, February 2017
    pdf, published version
  22. Cubic graphs and the golden mean
    with Zhongyang Li
    Discrete Mathematics 343 (2020) paper 111638
    arxiv, published pdf
  23. Self-avoiding walks and amenability
    with Zhongyang Li
    The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 24 (2017) paper P4.38, 24 pp
    arxiv, pdf
  24. The 1-2 model
    with Zhongyang Li
    In the Tradition of Ahlfors–Bers, VII
    Proceedings of the Sixth Ahlfors–Bers Colloquium, 2014
    Contemporary Mathematics 696 (2017) 130–152
    arxiv, pdf
  25. Critical surface of the 1-2 model
    with Zhongyang Li
    International Mathematics Research Notices 21 (2018) 6617–6672
    arxiv, pdf
  26. Connective constants and height functions of Cayley graphs
    with Zhongyang Li
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 (2017) 5961–5980
    arxiv, pdf
  27. Counting self-avoiding walks
    with Zhongyang Li
    Accepted in Tsinghua Lectures in Mathematics, 2017
    arxiv, pdf
  28. Locality of connective constants
    with Zhongyang Li
    Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018) 3483–3497
    arxiv, pdf
  29. The Potts and random-cluster models
    in Handbook of the Tutte Polynomial and Related Topics
    CRC Press, ed. J. A. Ellis-Monaghan, I. Moffatt, 2022, 378–394
    arxiv, pdf
  30. The work of Lucio Russo on percolation
    Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 4 (2016) 199–211
    arxiv, pdf
  31. Correlation inequalities for the Potts model
    Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 4 (2016) 327–334
    arxiv, pdf
  32. Critical surface of the hexagonal polygon model
    with Zhongyang Li
    Journal of Statistical Physics 163 (2016) 733–753
    arxiv, pdf
  33. Influence in product spaces
    with Svante Janson and James Norris
    in Probability, Analysis and Number Theory
    Advances in Applied Probability 48A (2016) 145–152
    arxiv, pdf
  34. Bounds on connective constants of regular graphs
    with Zhongyang Li
    Combinatorica 35 (2015) 279–294
    arxiv, pdf
  35. Criticality, universality, and isoradiality
    Proceedings of 2014 International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul, vol IV, 25–48
    arxiv, pdf
  36. Extendable self-avoiding walks
    with Alexander Holroyd and Yuval Peres
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré D: CPI 1 (2014) 61–75
    arxiv, pdf
  37. Percolation of finite clusters and infinite surfaces
    with Alexander Holroyd and Gady Kozma
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 156 (2014) 263–279
    arxiv, pdf
  38. Strict inequalities for connective constants of transitive graphs
    with Zhongyang Li
    SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics 28 (2014) 1306–1333
    arxiv, pdf
  39. Bond percolation on isoradial graphs: criticality and universality
    with Ioan Manolescu
    Probability Theory and Related Fields 159 (2014) 273–327
    arxiv, pdf
  40. Self-avoiding walks and the Fisher transformation
    with Zhongyang Li
    The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 20 (2013), Paper P3.47, 14 pp
    arxiv, pdf
  41. Universality for bond percolation in two dimensions
    with Ioan Manolescu
    Annals of Probability 41 (2013) 3261–3283
    arxiv, pdf
  42. Inhomogeneous bond percolation on square, triangular, and hexagonal lattices
    with Ioan Manolescu
    Annals of Probability 41 (2013) 2990–3025
    arxiv, pdf
  43. Cluster detection in networks using percolation
    with Ery Arias-Castro
    Bernoulli 19 (2013) 676–719
    arxiv, pdf
  44. Percolation since Saint-Flour
    with Harry Kesten
    In Percolation Theory at Saint-Flour
    by Geoffrey Grimmett and Harry Kesten, Springer, 2012, ix–xxvii
    arxiv, pdf
  45. Stochastic geometry and statistical mechanics
    Markov Processes and Related Fields 18 (2012) 67–70
  46. Geometry of Lipschitz percolation
    with Alexander Holroyd
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 48 (2012) 309–326
    arxiv, pdf
  47. A power-weighted variant of the EU27 Cambridge Compromise
    with Kai-Friederike Oelbermann and Friedrich Pukelsheim
    Mathematical Social Sciences 63 (2012) 136–140
    arxiv, pdf
  48. European apportionment via the Cambridge Compromise
    Mathematical Social Sciences 63 (2012) 68–73
    arxiv, pdf
  49. Lattice embeddings in percolation
    with Alexander Holroyd
    Annals of Probability 40 (2012) 146–161
    arxiv, pdf
  50. Three theorems in discrete random geometry
    Probability Surveys 8 (2011) 403–441
    arxiv, pdf, erratum to PrS version
  51. The allocation between the EU Member States of the seats in the European Parliament
    European Parliament Studies, PE 432.760, March 2011
  52. Sharp thresholds for the random-cluster and Ising models
    with Benjamin Graham
    Annals of Applied Probability 21 (2011) 240–265
    arxiv, pdf
  53. Plaquettes, spheres, and entanglement
    with Alexander Holroyd
    Electronic Journal of Probability 15 (2010) 1415–1428
    arxiv, pdf
  54. Lipschitz percolation
    with Nicolas Dirr, Patrick Dondl, Alexander Holroyd, Michael Scheutzow
    Electronic Communications in Probability 15 (2010) 14–21
    arxiv, pdf
  55. Three problems for the clairvoyant demon
    in Probability and Mathematical Genetics, Papers in honour of Sir John Kingman
    eds: N. H. Bingham and C. M. Goldie, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 379–396
    arxiv, pdf
  56. Random graphs with forbidden vertex degrees
    with Svante Janson
    Random Structures and Algorithms 37 (2010) 137–175
    arxiv, pdf
  57. Percolation of arbitrary words in one dimension
    with Thomas Liggett and Thomas Richthammer
    Random Structures and Algorithms 37 (2010) 85–99
    arxiv, pdf
  58. The phase transition of the quantum Ising model is sharp
    with Jakob Björnberg
    Journal of Statistical Physics 136 (2009) 231–273
    arxiv, pdf
  59. David George Kendall (1918–2007)
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A 172 (2009) 275–278
    arxiv, pdf
  60. Random even graphs
    with Svante Janson
    The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 16 (2009), Paper R46, 19 pp
    arxiv, pdf
  61. Space–time percolation
    in In and Out of Equilibrium 2
    eds: V. Sidoravicius, M. E. Vares, vol. 60 of `Progress in Probability' series, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2008, 305–320
    arxiv, pdf
  62. Entanglement in the quantum Ising model
    with Tobias Osborne and Petra Scudo
    Journal of Statistical Physics 131 (2008) 305–339
    arxiv, pdf
  63. John Michael Hammersley (1920–2004)
    with Dominic Welsh
    Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 53 (2007) 163–183
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 41 (2009) 1125–1143
    arxiv, pdf (updated and recommended)
    Draft entry for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
  64. Flows and ferromagnets
    in Combinatorics, Complexity and Chance, A Tribute to Dominic Welsh,
    eds: G. R. Grimmett and C. J. H. McDiarmid, Oxford University Press, 2007, 130–143
    arxiv, pdf, typo
  65. Random-cluster representation of the Blume–Capel model
    with Benjamin Graham
    Journal of Statistical Physics 25 (2006) 283–316
    arxiv, pdf, remarks
  66. Influence and sharp-threshold theorems for monotonic measures
    with Benjamin Graham
    Annals of Probability 34 (2006) 1726–1745
    arxiv, pdf
  67. Uniqueness and multiplicity of infinite clusters
    in Dynamics and Stochastics, Festschrift in Honor of Michael Keane
    ed. D. Denteneer, F. den Hollander, E. Verbitskiy, IMS Lecture Notes – Monograph Series volume 48, 2006, 24–36
    arxiv, pdf
  68. Branching processes, and random-cluster measures on trees
    with Svante Janson
    Journal of the European Mathematical Society 7 (2005) 253–281
    arxiv, pdf
  69. John Michael Hammersley, 1920–2004
    The Independent, 14 May 2004
    html with photo, pdf
  70. Weak limits of quantum random walks
    with Svante Janson and Petra Scudo
    Physical Review E 69 (2004) Paper 026119
    arxiv, pdf
  71. Negative association in uniform forests and connected graphs
    with Stephan Winkler
    Random Structures and Algorithms 24 (2004) 444–460
    arxiv, pdf
  72. Stochastic apportionment
    American Mathematical Monthly 111 (2004) 299–307
    arxiv, pdf
  73. On smallest triangles
    with Svante Janson
    Random Structures and Algorithms 23 (2003) 206–223
    arxiv, pdf
  74. The random-cluster model
    in Probability on Discrete Structures,
    ed. H. Kesten, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 110, Springer, 2003, 73–123
    arxiv, pdf
  75. Rigidity of the interface in percolation and random-cluster models
    with Guy Gielis
    Journal of Statistical Physics 109 (2002) 1–37
    arxiv, pdf
  76. Directed percolation and random walk
    with Philipp Hiemer
    in In and Out of Equilibrium, ed. V. Sidoravicius, Birkhäuser, 2002, 273–297
    arxiv, pdf
  77. Random electrical networks on complete graphs II: Proofs
    with Harry Kesten
    1983, 51 pages
    arxiv, July 2001; pdf
  78. Diffusion, finance, and universality
    Asymptopia, June 2001
  79. Infinite paths in randomly oriented lattices
    Random Structures and Algorithms 18 (2001) 257–266
  80. Conformal invariance, droplets, and entanglement
    in State of the Art in Probability and Statistics, Festschrift for Willem R. van Zwet,
    ed. M. de Gunst, C. Klaassen, A. van der Vaart, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Lecture Notes volume 36, 2001, 310–323
  81. Entanglement in percolation
    with Alexander Holroyd
    Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 81 (2000) 485–512
  82. Percolation
    in Development of Mathematics 1950–2000,
    ed. J.-P. Pier, Birkhäuser, 2000, 547-576
  83. Stochastic pin-ball
    in Random Walks and Discrete Potential Theory,
    ed. M. Picardello and W. Woess, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 205–213
  84. A central limit theorem for random walks in random labyrinths
    with Carol Bezuidenhout
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 35 (1999) 631–683
  85. Inequalities and entanglements for percolation and random-cluster models,
    in Perplexing Problems in Probability, Festschrift in Honor of Harry Kesten,
    ed. M. Bramson and R. Durrett, 1999, 91–106, Birkhäuser
  86. Critical probabilities for site and bond percolation models
    with Alan Stacey
    Annals of Probability 26 (1998) 1788–1812
  87. What a coincidence!
    +pass issue 4, January 1998
  88. Percolation and minimal spanning trees
    with Carol Bezuidenhout and Armin Löffler
    Journal of Statistical Physics 92 (1998) 1–34
  89. Dependent random graphs and spatial epidemics
    with Rob van den Berg and Rinaldo Schinazi
    Annals of Applied Probability 8 (1998) 317–336
  90. Percolation and disordered systems,
    in Lectures in Probability Theory and Statistics, Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint–Flour XXVI-1996,
    Springer Lecture Notes in Maths no. 1665, ed. P. Bernard, published 1997, pages 153–300
    Here is a link to errata. If you have trouble printing pages 86–87, or want a version which prints two pages on one side, you might prefer to download this version
    2012 corrected reprint
  91. Decay of correlations in subcritical Potts and random-cluster models,
    with Marcelo Piza
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 189 (1997) 465–480
  92. Large deviations in the random sieve,
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 121 (1997) 519–530
  93. Random walks in random labyrinths
    with Misha Menshikov and Stas Volkov
    Markov Processes and Related Fields 2 (1996) 69–86
  94. The random-cluster model on the complete graph
    with Béla Bollobás and Svante Janson
    Probability Theory and Related Fields 104 (1996) 283–317
  95. Comparison and disjoint-occurrence inequalities for random-cluster models
    Journal of Statistical Physics 78 (1995) 1311–1324
  96. The stochastic random-cluster process and the uniqueness of random-cluster measures
    Annals of Probability 23 (1995) 1461–1510
  97. The random-cluster model
    in Probability, Statistics and Optimization: A Tribute to Peter Whittle
    ed. F. P. Kelly, 1994, 49–63, Wiley
  98. Potts models and random-cluster models with many-body interactions
    Journal of Statistical Physics 75 (1994) 67–121
  99. Percolative problems
    in Probability and Phase Transition,
    ed. Geoffrey Grimmett, 1994, 69–86, Kluwer
  100. Differential inequalities for Potts and random-cluster processes
    in Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems,
    ed. N. Boccara et al., 1993, 227–236, Kluwer
  101. Strict inequality for critical values of Potts models and random-cluster processes
    with Carol Bezuidenhout and Harry Kesten
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 158 (1993) 1–16
  102. Percolation in ∞ + 1 dimensions
    with Chuck Newman
    in Disorder in Physical Systems, (festschrift for John Hammersley),
    ed. Geoffrey Grimmett and Dominic Welsh, 1990/2001, 167–190, Oxford University Press

Bonus volumes