Probability and Phase Transition

Proceedings of the 1993 NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the:

Newton Institute

Edited by Geoffrey Grimmett

Published in 1994 by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Kluwer/Springer has kindly permitted the papers to be made available on the web

The copyright of all linked mathematical material rests with Kluwer Academic Publishers

i-xvi Introduction etc.

1-16 B. Derrida, M. R. Evans: Exact steady state properties of the one dimensional asymmetric exclusion model.

17-34 R. L. Dobrushin, S. B. Shlosman: Droplet condensation in the Ising model: moderate deviations point of view.

35-48 P. A. Ferrari: Shocks in one-dimensional processes with drift.

49-68 D. Griffeath: Self-organization of random cellular automata: four snapshots.

69-86 G. R. Grimmett: Percolative problems.

87-122 T. Hara, G. Slade: Mean-field behaviour and the lace expansion.

123-138 F. den Hollander: Long time tails in physics and mathematics.

139-152 A. Klein: Multiscale analysis in disordered systems: percolation and contact process in random environment.

153-176 R. Kotecky: Geometric representation of lattice models and large volume asymptotics.

177-190 A. Kupiainen: Diffusion in random and non-linear PDEs.

191-208 G. F. Lawler: Random walk, harmonic measure, and Laplacian growth models.

209-226 T. M. Liggett: Survival and coexistence in interacting particle systems.

227-236 M. V. Menshikov: Constructive methods in Markov chain theory.

237-246 B. Nachtergaele: A stochastic geometric approach to quantum spin systems.

247-260 C. M. Newman: Disordered Ising systems and random cluster representations.

261-264 R. Pemantle, Y. Peres: Planar first-passage percolation times are not tight.

265-302 R. H. Schonmann: Theorems and conjectures on the droplet-driven relaxation of stochastic Ising models.

303-322 E. Scoppola: Metastability for Markov chains: a general procedure based on renormalization group ideas.