Yuri Suhov: Personal Home Page

My official title at the University of Cambridge is Professor of Applied Probability.

My research interests are in Theoretical and Applied Probability, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Information Theory and Industrial and Financial Mathematics.

I am an Emeritus member at the Statistical Laboratory, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge. I am also a member of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Finally, I am a fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. You can see the list of my publications, in the ps-format, and the pdf-format , and my short CV, in the ps-format, and the pdf-format . I currently work on several projects; see, e.g. this recent paper, or a cycle of papers, 1, 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 , or this one .

In October, 2005, the book Y Suhov and M Kelbert. Probability and Statistics by Example, Vol. 1, was published by the Cambridge University Press in October, 2005. Since then, a number of mistakes have been spotted. CORRECTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS CAN BE DOWNLOADED: in the ps-format HERE and in the pdf-format HERE . These mistakes have been corrected in the August 2007 reprint of the above book. The book Y Suhov and M Kelbert. Probability and Statistics by Example, Vol. 2, was published by the Cambridge University Press in April, 2008. Again, a number of mistakes have been spotted; CORRECTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS CAN BE DOWNLOADED in the ps-format here and in the pdf-format here .

You can read my favourite academic maxims . (I'm in process of adding more.) Many of those attended my lectures, classes or presentations would agree that I also like jokes: I used to have a catalog of them here. (Not all of them are mine and not all of them have been universally appreciated!) However, while writing several books I had to use most of these jokes: see and (hopefully) enjoy them in the above volumes of Suhov and Kelbert. And in forthcoming books, too. (It's a pity that jokes are not welcome in academic papers.)

My favourite song's lyrics can be see here . And here are some photographs of how I performed in the Village Hall, with the help of the local choir: (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j).