
Corrections to notes

If I find any errors in the notes I have handed out, a corrected version and an explanation of what has changed will appear here. The files of printed notes that can be downloaded here have already been changed to take account of these corrections.

  • Page 11. Following "whence" the displayed equation should have (t-1)/h in front of the summation sign, rather than t/h.
  • Page 13. Three lines from the bottom of the page, c(c,u) should be c(x,u).
  • Page 23. In the first expression for k(x) the right hand side should have k(s-1) not phi(s-1).
  • Page 36. In the second example, it should be
       B u_1 + AB u_0  = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & a_{11} \\
                                         0 & a_{21}
                         \begin{pmatrix} u_1 \\
    I.e., u_0 and u_1 are reversed.

    Last updated 25 October, 1995

    Corrections to examples sheets

    If I find any errors in the examples sheets I have handed out, a corrected version and an explanation of what has changed will appear here.

    Last updated 4 October, 1995

    Corrections to examples sheets crib

  • In the crib for question 1 on Examples Sheet 1 the numbers in line 4 should be 10 (not 100) and 20 (not 50).

    Last updated 25 October, 1995